Communicative language teaching emerged in the 1980s as a response to the growing demand for a language curriculum that would enable learners to use the second language in real-life situations. Previously, foreign language teaching has predominantly had its emphasis on grammatical competence, rather than actually focusing on developing students’ communication and interaction skills.

The main purpose behind communicative language teaching methods is to prepare students to be confident communicators for different real-life contexts, through repetitive oral practices and student-student cooperation. 


We consider this method helps the students to learn English as a second language. With this method they learn   vocabulary and grammar at the same time to communicate correctly with other people in real situations like asking questions, giving instructions, thanking, inviting, complaining, and asking and giving directions. That’s why the teacher needs to use different kind material such as   movies, recordings, text of different situations that will help students to understand better the language.

The advantages of this method are:

It emphasizes communication in the foreign language through interaction.

Introduces real texts in the learning situation.

Gives importance to the personal experiences of students as elements that contribute to classroom learning

Relates the language learned in the classroom with activities carried out outside it.

Of course there are also some disadvantages to using this method, some of them are:

Students may be unmotivated

It is difficult for the students to learn vocabulary as fast as the method requires.

It is for complicated for  the teacher  to help the  students with their mistakes
