Analyzes a variety of objects of study, such as culture, economy, language, literature, politics, among others. The analysis assumes that the various research objects may contain hidden or underlying structures that are interrelated and have significance because they are part of the same system. Since then, linguistics considered language as a system of signs and meanings that were related in an arbitrary and unnatural way, but that managed to be understood by a group of people who shared certain conventions or norms. linguistic structuralism.


Linguistics is the discipline whose object of study is language, a system of signs found in the minds of several individuals and, therefore, it is considered social and homogeneous. Instead, speech is an individual and heterogeneous action that interacts with language. According to Saussure, he held that words were symbols that gave meaning in reference to other words, but not to the nature of reality. 

That is why people manage to understand each other when they speak
because the relationship between signifier and signified is based on social conventions or structures, that is, because they share the same codes.


  • Decisions can be made very quickly. 
  • The number of problems that may arise in a society is reduced. 
  • It's constant.


  • The processes are very long and require a lot of documentation and control. 
  • Important changes can occur frequently.
  •  It is limited to the field of action of the individual.
  •  The initiative of the individual is eliminated.
