Task-based learning is a method for teaching foreign languages ​​where the teacher guides as many activities as possible to his students, such as writing articles, oral presentations, creating summaries, etc.; then the grammatical analysis of the structures in which the students have difficulties is carried out.


We consider that it is a good methodology but it can become traditional since most find it difficult to understand the class in English, therefore performing tasks where the instructions are given in the foreign language becomes something stressful for the student.


  • Task-based learning is a different way of teaching how to learn.
  •  It is an approach centered on the use of tasks as the central nucleus of the planning and process to lead to language learning. 
  • Oral communication is essential to do a specific task.
  • Task-based learning is useful for attention in the learning process from the teacher to the student.
  • Students are given a different way of understanding language as a tool rather than as a specific goal.
  • It brings the teaching of abstract knowledge to real-world application.
  • An assignment is useful for meeting the immediate needs of students and provides a framework for creating classes that are interesting and capable of addressing students' needs.


  • Does not have clearly defined practices.
  • When the teacher leaves teamwork, not all students are willing to collaborate.
